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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Monday 27 February 2023

127 Hours English Movie [2010]

127 Hours English Movie [2010]


127 Hours" is a gripping, true-to-life survival story that follows the ordeal of Aron Ralston, a mountaineer, and adventurer who becomes trapped in a remote canyon in Utah. The film, directed by Danny Boyle and starring James Franco as Ralston, is a harrowing and intense portrayal of the human will survive in the face of extreme adversity.
The film begins with Ralston embarking on a solo hiking trip in the Utah wilderness. After a chance encounter with two fellow hikers, Ralston continues on his journey alone and soon finds himself trapped when a boulder dislodges and pins his arm against the canyon wall. As he struggles to free himself, Ralston realizes that his only hope for survival is to amputate his own arm.

The majority of the film takes place over the next five days, during which Ralston endures dehydration, starvation, and extreme pain as he attempts to break free from his predicament. Franco's portrayal of Ralston is raw and emotional, capturing the range of emotions that the trapped mountaineer experiences as he grapples with his own mortality.
The film's climax is both shocking and cathartic, as Ralston finally succeeds in freeing himself and making his way back to civilization. While the film is intense and at times difficult to watch, it is ultimately a story of resilience and the power of the human spirit.

"127 Hours" is a masterful portrayal of one man's fight for survival, and a testament to the strength of the human will. Boyle's direction and Franco's performance combine to create a film that is both visually stunning and emotionally impactful, leaving a lasting impression on audiences long after the credits roll.

Movies Detail

Movie Name: 127 Movies

Time Duration: 1 hour and 34 minutes

Release Date: 7 January 2011

Director: Danny Boyle

Box Office: 60.7 million USD

Awards: Independent Spirit Award for Best Male Lead

Nominations: Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role

Budget: 18 million USD

127 Hours Screenshot


The movie "127 Hours" is based on the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountaineer who became trapped in a canyon in Utah and was forced to amputate his own arm to survive. The film stays true to the actual events that occurred during Ralston's ordeal, including the details of his injury and his eventual rescue. Ralston himself served as a consultant on the film, ensuring that it accurately depicted the physical and emotional challenges that he faced during his five-day ordeal. Overall, "127 Hours" is widely regarded as an authentic and powerful retelling of Ralston's incredible story of survival.


"127 Hours" is a heart-wrenching and gripping film that portrays the true story of Aron Ralston's harrowing ordeal in the Utah wilderness. James Franco delivers a powerful performance, bringing to life the emotional and physical struggles that Ralston experienced as he fought for survival. Director Danny Boyle's masterful storytelling and use of visual effects add to the film's intensity and create a truly immersive experience for the viewer. Despite its difficult subject matter, "127 Hours" is a must-see film that inspires and reminds us of the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.


The movie "127 Hours" features an exceptional cast, including James Franco in the lead role as Aron Ralston, a mountaineer, and adventurer who becomes trapped in a remote canyon in Utah. Franco delivers a powerful performance that captures the physical and emotional struggles that Ralston experienced during his ordeal. The film also features strong supporting performances from Amber Tamblyn, Kate Mara, and Clémence Poésy, who play hikers that Ralston encounters before his accident. The talented cast helps to create a deeply emotional and impactful film that stays with the viewer long after the credits roll.

Critical Response

"127 Hours" was widely praised by critics for its intense and emotional portrayal of Aron Ralston's survival story. The film received numerous award nominations, including six Academy Award nominations, and won several awards for its direction, cinematography, and editing. Critics praised James Franco's powerful performance, as well as Danny Boyle's masterful direction and use of visual effects to create an immersive and intense experience for the viewer. Overall, "127 Hours" was considered a triumph of filmmaking and a powerful testament to the human spirit, earning widespread critical acclaim and solidifying its place as a modern classic.


"127 Hours" is the true story of Aron Ralston, a mountaineer, and adventurer who becomes trapped in a remote canyon in Utah after a boulder dislodges and pins his arm against the canyon wall. As he struggles to free himself, Ralston realizes that his only hope for survival is to amputate his own arm. The film follows Ralston's five-day ordeal as he endures extreme pain, dehydration, and starvation, and ultimately makes the decision to sever his arm to save his life. "127 Hours" is a powerful and intense portrayal of the human will survive in the face of extreme adversity.


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