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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Sunday 19 March 2023

Animals United English Movie [2010]


Animals United English Movie [2010]


"Animals United" is a 2010 English-language German 3D computer-animated film directed by Reinhard Kloss and Holger Tappe. The animals united full movie in hindi is based on the book "The Animals' Conference" by Erich Kästner. It tells the story of a group of animals who unite to save their habitat from destruction by humans.

The animals united full movie takes place in Africa, where a severe drought has dried up all the rivers and lakes, leaving the animals with no water to drink. The situation becomes critical when a group of humans arrive with machines and start to extract the remaining water resources. A meerkat named Billy and his friend Socrates, a lion set out to find a new water source and come across a lake in the middle of a jungle. However, the lake is surrounded by a dam that is controlled by a group of beavers who are in cahoots with the humans. The animals decide to hold a conference to come up with a plan to stop the humans and the beavers from destroying their habitat.
The conference is attended by animals from all over the world, and they come up with a plan to stop the humans and beavers by sabotaging the dam. With the help of a wise old tortoise named Winston, the animals work together to implement their plan, and in the end, they succeed in saving their habitat from destruction.

The animals united full movie watch online has a strong environmental message and encourages viewers to take action to protect the planet. It also teaches children the importance of working together and the value of friendship. The voice cast includes James Corden, Stephen Fry, Jim Broadbent, Dawn French, and Vanessa Redgrave. The characters are likable and well-done, and the animation is excellent. Overall, "Animals United" is an enjoyable movie for children and adults alike, with a powerful message that resonates with audiences of all ages.

Movies Detail

Movie Name: Animals United

Time Duration: 1 hour 33 minutes

Release Date: October 7, 2010

Director: Reinhard Klooss, Holger Tappe

Box Office: $7,373,451

Awards: No Awards

Nominations: No Nominations

Budget: $24-36 million

Animals United Screenshot


As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences, emotions, or beliefs, but I can provide you with factual information. "Animals United" is a 2010 English-language German 3D computer-animated film directed by Reinhard Kloss and Holger Tappe. The movie is based on the book "The Animals' Conference" by Erich Kästner. The voice cast includes James Corden, Stephen Fry, Jim Broadbent, Dawn French, and Vanessa Redgrave. The movie has been released in different countries and has received mixed reviews. However, it is a work of fiction and not a documentary, so the depiction of the animals and their behaviors may not be entirely authentic.


"Animals United" is a fun and heartwarming movie that teaches important lessons about environmental conservation and the power of teamwork. The animation is impressive, and the voice cast delivers excellent performances, adding depth to the characters. The story is engaging and keeps the audience entertained from beginning to end. While the movie's environmental message may be heavy-handed at times, it is delivered in a way that is accessible to children and adults alike. Overall, "Animals United" is an enjoyable movie that both entertains and educates, making it a great choice for families looking for a feel-good movie night.


The cast of "Animals United" includes several notable actors who lend their voices to the animal characters in the movie. James Corden voices Billy, the adventurous meerkat, while Stephen Fry lends his voice to the wise old tortoise, Winston. Jim Broadbent plays the greedy and ruthless beaver, who works with the humans to exploit the animals' habitat, and Dawn French voices Angie, a motherly elephant. Vanessa Redgrave also appears in the movie as the narrator. The talented voice cast brings the characters to life and helps to create a memorable and engaging film that is enjoyable for audiences of all ages.

Critical Response

"Animals United" received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the film's environmental message and the voice cast's performances, while others criticized the movie's heavy-handedness and lack of originality. The animation was generally well-received, but some critics found fault with the pacing and storytelling. Despite these criticisms, many viewers found the movie to be entertaining and enjoyed the film's positive messages about teamwork and conservation. While "Animals United" may not be a perfect movie, it offers a fun and engaging story that can be enjoyed by viewers of all ages.


"Animals United" is a 3D computer-animated film about a group of animals who band together to save their habitat from destruction by humans. When a drought in Africa leaves the animals with no water, they set out to find a new source. They discover a lake in the middle of a jungle, but it is surrounded by a dam controlled by humans and their beaver allies. The animals hold a conference and come up with a plan to sabotage the dam and save their habitat. The movie teaches important lessons about teamwork and environmental conservation and features a talented voice cast.


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